Do professional photographers use flash?
Some do, others don’t. It depends on your specialisation. Photographers work with light. Some prefer natural/ambient light, some add LED/tungsten/HMI lights to their skillsets and others venture into flash photography with light modifiers.
What is the hardest part when editing photos?
If you haven’t already done a culling/selection, then narrowing down your images will take time, especially when you want to build story. If your images are only product shots done in a studio, the selection process can be very fast.
Why is the image retouching price high?
Compared to what? Outsourcing your retouching needs will free up your time to do other tasks that can be more beneficial to you.
What do clients actually look for in Photoshop editing?
If you are a photographer outsourcing your editing: Saving time or looking for better quality. Most of the time it’s a combination of the two.